Jacob Grimm and Whelam Grimm more affectionately known as the Bothers Grimm are world renowned for their literary masterpieces that have spanned generations and will continue delighted both children and adults for years to come. Born in the early 17th century both brothers at an early age were collectors of folk law, some saying their dislike for some of the stories contributed to their desire to write. Their early years were spent in German in the towns of Hanau and Steinau. It was at the ages of 10 and 11 that the brothers were dealt a heavy had with the death of their much loved father, which was a highly contributing factor to their families poverty.
As the brother grew older their education began to take flight and they both became students of the University of Marburg where among other Germanic studies they developed a curiosity for collecting German Folk law and Fairy tales.
During this time Folk law and Fairy tales were among the most popular forms of literacy, both children and adults alike were spellbound by the magic that encompassed each story and they mystery and wonder that we now come to know as part of Folk law, Fairy tales and Fantasy literacy.
The rise of Romanticism rejuvenated the once lost art of the literacy and in the 19th century we began to see the its rise in social circles once again. The Grimm Brothers saw this as the pure form of national literacy and culture. The Brother Grimm now had a goal of researching a scholarly treatise and between 1812 and 1857 they collated a library of Folk law and Fairy tales. This became their very first collection of stories, it was revised and re collated many times over the years and grew from 86 stories to almost 200. In addition to their writing and re writing of Fairy tales the Brothers Grimm write collections of both German and Scandinavian myths and mythology and in 1808 began attempts to write a German Dictionary the remained incomplete.
The tales written by the brothers have been translated into over 100 languages over the years and have too become adaptations to film through Disney with such classics as Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.